Curriculum – University of Information Technology & Sciences | UITS


Serial No. Categories Credits
A General Education 10.5
B Basic Sciences 13.5
C Interdisciplinary Courses 04.0
D Mathematics 17.0
E Core Courses 87.0
F Elective Courses 20.0
Total 152.0

List of Courses

  1. General Education (Any 5 courses)
Serial No. Course Code Course Title Credits
           01. GED 101 The Four Skills of Communication in English 2.0
           02. GED 102 Developing English Language Skills Lab 1.5
           03. CSE 151 Computer Fundamentals and Web Technology 3.0
           04. GED 119 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh 2.0
Total 8.5
           05. GED 107 Introduction to Sociology 2.0
           06. GED 109 Ethics: Theory and Practice 2.0
           07. GED 113 Financial and Managerial Accounting 2.0
Total (Any one from 06 – 08) 2.0


  1. Basic Science
Serial No. Course Code Course Title Prerequisite/


        08. PHY 171 Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics None 3.0
        09. PHY 172 Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics Lab PHY 171* 1.5
        10. PHY 173 Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics PHY 171 3.0
        11. PHY 174 Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics Lab PHY 173* 1.5
        12. CHE 175 Engineering Chemistry None 3.0
        13. CHE 176 Engineering Chemistry Lab CHE 175* 1.5
Total   13.5


  1. Interdisciplinary Courses
Serial No. Course Code Course Title Prerequisite/


          14. EEE 102 Engineering Drawing None 1.0
          15. CSE 251 Computer Programming CSE 151 2.0
          16. CSE 252 Computer Programming Lab CSE 251* 1.0
    Total   4.0


*Asterisk (*) indicate co-requisite courses.

(For example, CSE 251 & CSE 252 will be taught simultaneously).


  1. Mathematics and Statistics
Serial No. Course Code Course Title Prerequisite /Corequisite Credits
          17. MAT 163 Differentials and Integral Calculus None 3.0
          18. MAT 165 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations MAT 163 3.0
          19. MAT 261 Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis MAT 165 3.0
          20. MAT 265 Linear Algebra & Complex Variables, Fourier Analysis and Laplace Transform MAT 165 3.0
          21. MAT 267 Numerical Methods and Analysis MAT 165 2.0
          22. STAT 263 Probability and Statistics None 3.0
Total   17.0


  1. Core Courses
Serial No. Course Code Course Title Prerequisite /Corequisite Credits
          23. EEE 101 Electrical Circuits I PHY 173 3.0
          24. EEE 103 Electrical Circuits II EEE 101 3.0
          25. EEE 104 Electrical Circuits Lab EEE 103* 1.0
          26. EEE 105 Electronic Circuits I EEE 103 3.0
          27. EEE 108 Circuit Simulation Lab EEE 101 & EEE 103 1.0
          28. EEE 201 Digital Electronics EEE 105 3.0
          29. EEE 202 Digital Electronics Lab EEE 201* 1.0
          30. EEE 203 Electronic Circuits II EEE 105 3.0
          31. EEE 204 Electronic Circuits Lab EEE 203* 1.0
          32. EEE 205 Electrical Machines I EEE 103 3.0
          33. EEE 207 Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation EEE 203 3.0
          34. EEE 208 Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation Lab EEE 207* 1.0
          35. EEE 209 Electrical Machines II EEE 205 3.0
          36. EEE 212 Electrical Machines Lab EEE 209* 1.0
          37. EEE 253 Computer Networking and Data Communication CSE 151 3.0
          38. EEE 291 Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering None 3.0
          39. EEE 301 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves MAT 265 & EEE 203 3.0
          40. EEE 303 Power System I EEE 103

EEE 205

          41. EEE 305 Signals and Systems MAT 265 & EEE 203 3.0
          42. EEE 307 Solid State Devices EEE 203 3.0
          43. EEE 309 Communication Theory EEE 305 3.0
          44. EEE 312 Communication Theory Lab EEE 309* 1.0
          45. EEE 313 Microprocessor and Microcontroller EEE 201 3.0
          46. EEE 314 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab EEE 313* 1.0
          47. EEE 315 Digital Signal Processing EEE 309 3.0
          48. EEE 316 Digital Signal Processing Lab EEE 315* 1.0
          49. EEE 317 Electrical Services Design and Drafting Lab None 1.0
          50. EEE 401 Electrical Engineering Materials None 3.0
          51. EEE 403 Industrial and Power Electronics EEE 401 3.0
          52. EEE 404 Industrial and Power Electronics Lab EEE 403* 1.0
          53. EEE 405 Control Systems MAT 265 & EEE 203 3.0
          54. EEE 406 Control Systems Lab EEE 405* 1.0
          55. EEE 409 Electrical Power Transmission & Distribution EEE 303 3.0
          56. EEE 467 Project Management & Finance None 3.0
          57. EEE 469 Engineer and Society None 3.0
          58. EEE 490 Thesis / Project / †† Internship (3.0) None 6.0
Total          87.0


*Asterisk (*) indicate co-requisite courses.

Its compulsory for all the students to complete a research-based thesis or project of 6.0 credits. The thesis / project work may last for two semesters (12 months). For submission of the final report, the students are required to submit a draft hardcopy to the department for correction and verification. Moreover, it is required to give an oral presentation at the end of the degree for the assessment. It is recommended that the students should produce a publishable research work and expected to publish in a peer-reviewed international journal (Internationally peer-reviewed journals and conferences).


†† Besides, students can choose an internship of 3.0 credits instead of thesis or project to enhance their occupational experience, do engineering practice, get familiar with the industries. In this case, the student must complete a theory course of 3.0 credits from Group I / II / III / IV along with the Internship. The duration of the internship work at a related industry / company is expected to last at least for 3 months. Also, the students are required to submit an Internship report along with the completion certificate of their work from the corresponding industry/ company at the end of their work to the department.


  1. Elective Courses

Students specializing in an optional group, such as power, electronics, communication or computer science (known as the group of major courses), shall complete a total of eleven credits from the corresponding group including two laboratory courses and rest of the nine credits can be completed from any other elective group(s).


Group I: Power

Serial No. Course Code Course Title Credits
                59. EEE 407 Power System II 3.0
                60. EEE 408 Power System Lab 1.0
                61. EEE 411 Power Plant Engineering 3.0
                62. EEE 413 Power System Protection 3.0
                63. EEE 414 Power System Protection Lab 1.0
                64. EEE 415 High Voltage Engineering 3.0
                65. EEE 416 High Voltage Engineering Lab 1.0
                66. EEE 461 Renewable Energy 3.0


Group II: Electronics

Serial No. Course Code Course Title Credits
                67. EEE 417 Optoelectronics 3.0
                68. EEE 421 Digital Integrated Circuits Design 3.0
                69. EEE 422 Digital Integrated Circuits Design Lab 1.0
                70. EEE 423 VLSI 3.0
                71. EEE 424 VLSI Lab 1.0
                72. EEE 425 Processing and Fabrication Technology 3.0
                73. EEE 427 Digital Communication Electronics 3.0
                74. EEE 445 Biomedical Instrumentation 3.0


Group III: Communication

Serial No. Course Code Course Title Credits
                75. EEE 429 Wireless Communication 3.0
                76. EEE 431 Optical Fiber Communication 3.0
                77. EEE 432 Optical Fiber communication Lab 1.0
                78. EEE 433 Telecommunication Engineering 3.0
                79. EEE 434 Telecommunication Engineering Lab 1.0
                80. EEE 435 Microwave Engineering 3.0
                81. EEE 437 Digital Communication 3.0
                82. EEE 438 Digital Communication Lab 1.0
                83. EEE 463 Satellite Communication 3.0
                84. EEE 439 Information Theory and Coding 3.0


Group IV: Computer Science

Serial No. Course Code Course Title Credits
                85. CSE 451 Software Engineering 3.0
                86. CSE 452 Software Engineering Lab 1.0
                87. CSE 453 Microprocessor System Design 3.0
                88. CSE 454 Microprocessor System Design Lab 1.0
                89. CSE 455 Real Time Computer System 3.0
                90. CSE 457 Computer Networks 3.0
                91. CSE 458 Computer Networks Lab 1.0
                92. CSE 459 Multimedia Communications 3.0

Semester-wise Course Distribution

Semester 1
EEE 101 Electrical Circuits I 3.0
GED 101 The Four Skills of Communication in English 2.0
GED 102 Developing English Language Skills Lab 1.5
CSE 151 Computer Fundamentals and Web Technology 3.0
MAT 163 Differential and Integral Calculus 3.0
PHY 171 Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics 3.0
PHY 172 Waves, Optics and Thermodynamics Lab 1.5
Semester 2
EEE 102 Engineering Drawing 1.0
EEE 103 Electrical Circuits II 3.0
EEE 104 Electrical Circuits Lab 1.0
EEE 108 Circuit Simulation Lab 1.0
MAT 165 Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations 3.0
PHY 173 Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics 3.0
PHY 174 Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics Lab 1.5
STAT 263 Probability and Statistics 3.0
Semester 3
EEE 105 Electronic Circuits I 3.0
CHE 175 Engineering Chemistry 3.0
CHE 176 Engineering Chemistry Lab 1.5
EEE 205 Electrical Machines I 3.0
EEE 201 Digital Electronics 3.0
EEE 202 Digital Electronics Lab 1.0
MAT 261 Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis 3.0
GED 119 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh 2.0
Semester 4
EEE 203 Electronic Circuits II 3.0
EEE 204 Electronic Circuits Lab 1.0
EEE 207 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation 3.0
EEE 208 Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation Lab 1.0
EEE 209 Electrical Machines II 3.0
EEE 212 Electrical Machines Lab 1.0
CSE 251 Computer Programming 2.0
CSE 252 Computer Programming Lab 1.0
MAT265 Linear Algebra, Complex Variables, FA and LT 3.0
GED*** General Education (GED 107/GED 109/GED 113) 2.0
Semester 5
MAT267 Numerical Methods and Analysis 2.0
EEE 291 Fundamental of Mechanical Engineering 3.0
EEE 301 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3.0
EEE 305 Signals & Systems 3.0
EEE 307 Solid State Devices 3.0
EEE 309 Communication Theory 3.0
EEE 312 Communication Theory Lab 1.0
EEE 317 Electrical Services Design and Drafting 1.0
Semester 6
EEE 253 Computer Networking and Data Communication 3.0
EEE 303 Power System I 3.0
EEE 313 Microprocessor and Microcontroller 3.0
EEE 314 Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab 1.0
EEE 315 Digital Signal Processing 3.0
EEE 316 Digital Signal Processing Lab 1.0
EEE 401 Electrical Engineering Materials 3.0
EEE 403 Industrial and Power Electronics 3.0
EEE 404 Industrial and Power Electronics Lab 1.0
Semester 7
EEE 405 Control Systems 3.0
EEE 406 Control Systems Lab 1.0
EEE 409 Electrical Power Transmission & Distribution 3.0
EEE 467 Project Management & Finance 3.0
EEE 469 Engineer and Society 3.0
Group I / II / III / IV 10.0
Semester 8
Group I / II / III / IV 10.0
EEE 490 Thesis / Project / Internship (3.0) 6.0
Grand Total= 152.0