UITS Civil Engineering Department organized Industrial Tour 2024

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UITS Civil Engineering Department organized Industrial Tour 2024

The Department of Civil Engineering, UITS always aims to give its students hands-on, industry-relevant experience in addition to classroom instruction. In support of this endeavor, final year students of UITS Civil Engineering Department visited PHP Ispat Limited in Narsingdi, Bangladesh, on May 18, 2024.
Students of Final Year went to the industrial visit under the instructions of two respected faculty members Md. Tarikul Islam (Advisor of Students Welfare of UITS and Assistant Professor) & Subrata Roy (Lecturer of Department of Civil Engineering).
The operational Director of PHP Ispat Limited described the complete operational process to the students. Students recorded the information on different parts of the plants and learnt about the operational procedure of rebar production. Industry affiliation with academia is crucial for BAETE accreditation, as it ensures that educational programs are aligned with industry standards and practices. Such tours provide practical insights that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application.
The Honourable head of the Department of Civil Engineering Dr. Nur Mohammad Shuman assured the students that such initiatives of industrial visits will continue from now on.