Training & Placement Cell, UITS

Training and Placement Cell, UITS

University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS) has established a unit named Training and Placement (T&P) Cell within the Directorate of Student Welfare, headed by the student Advisor, for providing regular counseling and guidance towards career and business opportunities and advancement. T&P Cell is established to bridge the gap between the stringent competition in the industry and talent available at UITS. With adequate training and support, students enhance their skills and understand how to showcase their abilities in the best possible way. Not only the T&P Cell provides world-class training to students to develop various significant skills but also liaisons between industry and the institute. 


To guide and provide the best career services to all the students of UITS to be more employable and successful for the selections processes of different corporate, private and state and central govt. bodies. 


UITS has an all-inclusive placement program which commences in the first semester and engages students with pre-placement training to make them industry-ready for the corporate world. With its exclusive in-house Soft Skills training program taught by experts, the Placement Cell helps students develop capabilities and competencies enabling the students to stand out in a crowd of career builders. Established with an aim to develop a strong framework for a rewarding and professional career, the T&P Cell conducts several training sessions to equip students with relevant skills in their respective fields. These are some of the functions of Training and Placement Cell, UITS: 

Soft Skills Training

Considering the importance of aptitude skills and soft skills in any organization, there is a huge demand for professionals who are industry ready. One of the major responsibilities of any Placement Cell is to organize sessions to train students on analytical, logical, verbal and critical reasoning, problem-solving and time-saving techniques along with English verbal and language adaptability. 

Personality Development

Personality development is one of the most crucial aspects of training sessions, the University Placement Cell organizes a series of tests and workshops to help students discover their potential and analyze their shortcomings. It trains students to deal with challenging situations at work and motivates them by conducting various workshops on how to increase their self-esteem. 

Group Discussions

With group discussions becoming an integral part of the hiring process, the Placement Cell conducts multiple rounds of mock group discussions to build confidence, communication skills, teamwork and enhance the technical knowledge of the subject along with current affairs. 

Personal Interview

Your final selection depends on the personal interview round; hence, the Placement Cell helps with the preparation, increasing your chances of getting hired. The Placement Cell instructs and coaches students on required interview skills which are related to dress code, confidence, creativity, ability to react and respond, and handle stressful situations.

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Your resume and cover letter can help you create the first best impression on a potential employer. To ensure your resume does not get added to the rejected pile, you should create an attention-grabbing resume as well an effective LinkedIn profile. The Placement Cell trains you in creating a well-organized resume which will highlight your qualifications, education, employment history, certifications, technical skills and any additional skills that match with the job profile. 

Skill Development (Communication/ English/ Computer)

Today, the students continue to work to promote the use and improvement of career information, information technology, and services through standards, professional development opportunities, and public information. Guide for students on career planning and career counseling. Students need help guidance, advice and support in deciding on and working toward a successful career. There are many factors that must be considered when planning a career. It must be determined whether there are certain goals that one wishes to obtain through the work that will constitute his career. One must consider whether there are certain special skills in computer or interests that should be incorporated into a career. Finally, one must decide if there are any monetary requirements for a fulfilling career.

Future Plan

Hard work is important, but hard work alone will not get you anywhere. You need to be creative. Employers want skilled employees, so you need to enhance and add to your skill base regularly. Before you choose a career, make sure that employment opportunities are expanding for that particular field. Choose a position that lets you use your talents and offers plenty of opportunity to add to those talents. Confirm that there will be opportunity for advancement before you accept any position. Students proposed a future plan and submit to T&P Cell after completing the university education. 

Job Searching Technique

Searching for the right job is a very tricky thing which is encountered by any individual driven by the passion to carve his or her own career. Job search could be time consuming because it sometimes takes a lot of time to find the right job. Correct analysis and portrayal of your capabilities and qualification can land you in a job which can make your career. Placement papers are something everyone is worried about? Where to download them from? Where to submit? How to write? There are just so many confusing questions that even the answers might take time to register. So, now that you have reached this page, forget all your questions. Everything about placement papers will be explained to you here. All your questions and some more will be answered and all your doubts cleared. 

Job Searching Tips

Internet has made things a lot more accessible. Now you can look for jobs on various job search websites. There are also a lot of websites devoted to recruiting for certain industries, like heavy engineering industry, finance and marketing. So, you could register yourself with some of these websites. Job search websites also give you the option of testing you when a job, in the field you're looking for, becomes available. The websites of most companies have a link to 'careers'. 

Social Networking

One of the best internet jobs searching tips and a corollary to the previous point, it may also be a good idea to look for jobs on social networking websites. Social networking websites often have a group for job hunters and also some advertisements which may lead you to the website of the recruiting companies. It may also be a good idea to brush up your social networking profile, to something mature, if it isn't already. Recruiters try to find out as much as they can about a candidate and your social networking profile is often one of the first results. 

Widen Your Scope

In times like these, where job opportunities are few and far between, it is important that you be ready to adapt quickly. Sometimes there may be a good job vacancy in a different city or a different state. So, you should be prepared to take up that opportunity as well. It is also good to not restrict your field of work. Be open and willing to experiment with something new rather than waiting for the exact job which you are looking for. 

Development of Communication

Development Communication can be defined as purposive communication intended for a specific target student that allows for the translation of information into action resulting in a higher quality of life. It also relies greatly on Community and People Participation, which is the voluntary involvement of a group of people in a development activity with full knowledge of its purpose that will allow them to grow individually and as a community.

Personal /Career Counseling

The primary purpose of career counseling is to help you learn how to explore and investigate potential majors and occupations. Interest inventories and career tests will not tell you what you could or should do. Career counseling is a method of assessment of people’s interest, values, and talents to help them explore a range of career options. It plays an influential role in assisting people make the perfect career decision that enables to opt for the right job, brightening the realm of people’s work life. Careers cannot be taken for granted as it plays a significant role in a person’s life. There are people who fail to get their dream job but are doing wonders at a job where they don’t ever want to be. In both the cases, a person cannot achieve milestone as some or the other way it is not what the heart desires. Therefore, it is very important to peep deep into the heart and do some soul searching to get the right job with a better understanding of job responsibilities and team building. All these and much more can be taken out from the shell of career counseling.

Industrial Attachment

The industry-institute collaboration is one of the major concerns of T&P Cell. As we all know the University aims at creating new knowledge and providing fundamental education to student, whereas industry focuses on application-oriented knowledge which can be transformed into profits of business goals. But the major challenge is the employability for the graduates to transform their knowledge gathered into an application which has industrial need. Industry-institute collaboration is not new concept, as we all know the world is being more competitive to remain sustain there is need for both industry-institute get involve into collaboration to encourage innovation and competitiveness in global economy. The most significant method of this knowledge transfer is the training of students by industrial personnel, recruitment of personnel from engineering institute, contract research on behalf of industry, research collaborations and use of industrial equipment in engineering institute’s labs.

Guidelines to enjoy T&P Cell Service:

All the students of UITS are requested to follow the following rules and regulations to make an easy and excellent carrier life. Every UITS student is to be a T&P Cell member to enjoy the T&P Cell service. 

The student has to fill up the Membership Form and 2 copies of colored photographs to be a member. The students are to bear member card while communicating with us. Present and past students may contact the Help Desk for issues relating to their career queries. The Help Desk In-charge will resolve the issues on the spot as far as possible. If the issue deserves detailed attention, he / she will intimate the same and request an E-mail to be sent.

Students can send an E-mail to directly. Such queries shall be resolved within 48 hours.