University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS), the first IT-based private university in Bangladesh was founded on 7 August 2003 as a non-profit organization. INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOLUTION LTD. (ISTS), a concern of PHP group headed by Alhaj Sufi Mohamed Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury is the sponsor of UITS.
UITS added the latest education system to its curriculum to developing the knowledge and skills of the students as well as integrated human values in the education system. UITS is a science and technological knowledge-based center that provides marketable skills for younger generations who may be gainfully employed both national and international organizations.
UITS introduced students with highest qualified faculties with foreign degrees
UITS forms a community of Bangladesh's brightest minds and most committed educators; and create opportunities for them to meet their academic and human potential. We believe in open and respectful interaction with students, and among its staff at all levels.
University of Information Technology & Sciences (UITS) is committed to publishing high-quality research and phenomenal works from academicians, scientists, engineers, business specialists, sociologists/ social scientists and lawyers/law makers
UITS located at Baridhara diplomatic zone with a beautiful campus of 1.3 acors of land. Quality education at affordable cost & Find all the resources you need here to thrive during your tenure at UITS.,
1. Bhuyean, Md Abdul Mannan (2018, March), Sufi Mizan's Philosophy, Khan, Dr. Saiful Islam (Edit), Shebay A Deho Leen, Sufi Mohamed Mizanur Rahman : Docomentary of 75 Years, UITS Research Center, Dhaka, Pages: 366-367, ISBN: 978-984-34-4345-8. 2. Bhuyean, Md Abdul Mannan (2020, May), Juvenile Delinquency, its Roots, Out-turn & Justice System in Bangladesh: Issues, Challenges & way out, UITS Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dhaka, Vol.7, Issue.1, Pages: 221-243, ISSN: 2663-1105. 3. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, The Rights of Women to Inheritance under the Islamic Law: Laws and Practice in Bangladesh, which was published in UITS Journal of Humanities & Social Sciences, Volume 8-9, Issue-1st June, 2021-July 2023, ISSN: 2663-1105. 4. Bhuyean, Md Abdul Mannan (2023, March), Accountability of the Supreme Court Judges of Bangladesh: A Legal Analysis, International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, Vol.8, Issue3, ISSN: 2582-1601. 5. Bhuyean, Md Abdul Mannan (2023, March), The Legitimacy of Preventive Detention Laws in Bangladesh: What for Future? International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, Vol.8, Issue3, ISSN: 2582-1601. 6. Bhuyean, Md Abdul Mannan (2024, November), The Paramount Potentials of a Good Teacher: A Study Based on Modern Day World, International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities (IJRSS), Vol. 5 (11), E-ISSN: 2582-6220. 7. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean and Md. Nahidul Islam (November 2024), Regionalization of Higher Judiciary and Entrance of Justice by the Citizen of Bangladesh and India: A Proportional Study, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies (ISSN 2707-4668). [Scopus] 8. Md.Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “Sociological View of Jurisprudence and Its Impact upon Fashioning the Social Order: An Analytical Approach”, MSIJournal of Arts, Law and Justice, ISSN:- 3049-0839, Volume :-1, Issue:-12 (December 2024),Total page: 01-04, DOI:- 10.5281/zenodo.15070152 9. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean and Md. Nahidul Islam (December 2024), Human Trafficking Paradigm in Bangladesh: A Critical Analysis, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies (ISSN 2707-4668). [Scopus] 10. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean and Md. Nahidul Islam (December 2024), Prospects of a Law Graduate in Bangladesh: A Critical Review, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Legal Studies (ISSN 2707-4668). [Scopus] 11.Md.Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “The Philosophy of Utilitarianism in Jurisprudence: A Methodical Appraisal,” MSI Journal of Arts, Law and Justice, ISSN:- 3049-0839, Volume :-2,Issue:-1 (January 2025),Total page: 01-05, DOI:- 10.5281/zenodo.15074746 12. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, Dr. Md. Nahidul Islam, and Md.Ahsan Habib (January 2025). “ Covid- 19’s Impact and Consequences on International Capital Markets: A Critical Legal Analysis”, British Journals of Arts and Humanities, Volume 7, Page-390-398,2025, eISSN: 2663-7782. [Scopus] 13. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, Application of T-Test as Quantitative Techniques in Research: A Statistical Study, Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol-15, Issue-3, March-2025, Print ISSN No. 2249-555X, DOI: 10.36106/ijar 14. Md.Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “The Role of International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) in Protecting and Promoting the International Humanitarian Law: A Critical Review”, MSI Journal of Arts, Law and Justice, ISSN:- 3049-0839, Vol:-2, Issue:-3 (March- 2025), DOI:- 10.5281/zenodo.14956835. 15. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “Practice of Sampling and Sampling Techniques in Research: A Critical Study, TIJER- International Research Journal, March 2025, Volume 12, Issue 3, ISSN: 2349-9249, Paper ID: TIJER2503010 16. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “Publication Misconduct and Its Ethical Implications in Research “, Global Journal for Research Analysis, Volume-14, Issue-3, March-2025, Print ISSN No. 2277-8160, DOI: 10.36106/gjra 17. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): A Statistical Review “, PARIPEX- Indian Journal of Research, Volume-14, Issue-3, March-2025, Print ISSN No. 2250-1991, DOI: 10.36106/paripex 18. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “Ethical Practices are Desirable in Research: A Critical Appraisal”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), Volume-10, Issue-3, March-2025, ISSN No. 2456-2165, DOI: 19. Md.Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, “International Humanitarian Law has been Advanced Over Sequential Phases: An Eloquent Review”, MSI Journal of Arts, Law and Justice, ISSN:- 3049-0839, Vol:-2, Issue:-3 (March- 2025), Total page: 26-31, DOI:- 10.5281/zenodo.15038212 20. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, "The Safety Net of the Prisoners of War with reference to the 3rd Geneva Convention,1949: An Overview", International Journal of Civil Law and Legal Research, E-ISSN: 2789- 8830, P- ISSN: 2789-8822, Volume. 5, Issue -1, Part A, 2025, pages : 41-43, DOI: https :// [Scopus] 21. Md. Abdul Mannan Bhuyean, "Safety Measure of the Wounded, Sick Persons and Shipwrecked Members at the Warfare Arena with Special Reference to Geneva Convention -1 and Geneva Convention -2", International Journal of Criminal, Common and Statutory Law, E-ISSN: 2789-9497, P- ISSN: 2789-9497,(Accepted to be published), [Scopus]