Master of Philosophy (MPhil),Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP).
Master of Business Administration (MBA) , University of Chittagong(CU).
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), University of Chittagong(CU).
Assistant Professor, 10th January, 2020 till now, University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS).
Lecturer, 16th January, 2014 to 9th January, 2020, University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS).
1. SME Financing Practices in Bangladesh: Scenario and Challenges Evaluation.World Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 6. No. 2. July 2016 Special Issue. Pp. 39 – 50.2016, Australia.
2. Impact of TV Talk Shows on Social Development of Bangladesh: Viewers Observations and Inference.IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 19, Issue 7. Ver. VI. (July 2017), PP 46-59.2017, India.
3. Evaluation of Managerial Technique: NPV and IRR.UITSJ5103 Vol.5.Issue1,2016, Bangladesh.
4. Sponsorship Management (Pran-RFL Group).Bureau of Business Research, UITS,2016, Bangladesh.
5. Funding Sources for Small Business Enterprises in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Approach, UITS School of Business Journal.2019, Bangladesh.
International Conference:
1. Research paper present on 13th Asian Business Research Conference, 30-31 December 2015, BIAM Foundation, 63 New Eskaton, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
2. Research Paper presentation on 1st International Conference on Finance for Sustainable Growth and Development, 15 March 2018, Lecture Gallery, Faculty of Business Administration, Chittagong University.
Proceedings of Conference:
1. Funding Sources for Small Business Enterprises in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Approach was presented on 1st International Conference on Finance for Sustainable Growth and Development,15 March 2018, Lecture Gallery, Faculty of Business Administration, Chittagong University.
Coordinator (MBA program) , Department of Business Studies, UITS.
Organizer (Seminar on capital market),
Member on syllabus and curriculum committee,
Member on question moderation.