Publication (Publications of the Faculties in the Department)
Dr. Arifatul Kibria
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Social Work, UITS
- “Substances Abuse and Rehabilitations: Role of a Social Worker” UITS Journal, vol 6, Issue 2, December 2018
- ‘Changing trend of Garo Societies in Bangladesh: An Evaluation’, UITS Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1 (Special Bangle), UITS Research Center, Dhaka February, 2014. (received the acceptance letter).
- ‘A Quantitative Study on Educational inequality in Bangladesh: An Appraisal’, UITS Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1, UITS Research Center, Dhaka, June, 2013.
- ‘Occupational Inequality in Bangladesh Society: A Quantitative Analysis’, UITS Journal, Volume 1, Issue 2, UITS Research Center, Dhaka, December, 2012.
- ‘Class Structure and Income Inequality in Contemporary Bangladesh: A Comparative Observation with China’, UITS Journal, Volume 1, Issue 1, UITS Research Center, Dhaka, June, 2012.
- ‘The Essence of Goldthorpe’s Class Structure in Modern Bangladesh’, Journal of Social Development, Vol. 22, No.1, Institute of Social Work and Research, University of Dhaka, 2010.
- Co-Edited the Book Bipanya Bhumija : Astitter Sangkate Adibasi Samaj (Endangered Sons of Soil :Indigenous Peoples’ in a State of Crisis), published by Research and Development Collective (RDC), Dhaka(1st edition), 2003, and Adorn Publication( 2nd edition)2009.
- Jointly contributed an article on ‘Peoples Upsurge in 1969’ for Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), published by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2003.
- Jointly contributed an article on ‘Asaduzzaman’ (a martyr of people Upsurge in 1969) for Banglapedia (National Encyclopedia of Bangladesh), published by Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, 2003.
- Served as a research associate on a research paper ‘Evolution of East Bengal Trade Union Movement 2002’, which published as a book ‘Chimnir Mukhe Shono Siren Shankha: An Account of the growth of Trade Union Movement in East Bengal’ Moula Publisher,Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Zakia Sultana
Assistant Professor
Department of Social Work, UITS
- 1. RvwKqv myjZvbv (2011), ভুটান: গণতন্ত্রায়ণ প্রক্রিয়া, বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি পত্রিকা, ঊনবিংশখন্ড, হীরকজয়ন্তী সংখ্যা, 19, ISSN 1609-4409, pp.369-382.
- Zakia Sultana (2012), Rise and Decline of Roman Civilization, International Conference on Human and Social Sciences (Rome, Italy) Journal of Mediterrean Center of Social and Educational Research-MCSER, April, Vol.3, No 9, ISSN 2039-9340,pp.179-186.
- Zakia Sultana & Shah Samuel Kaizer (2013), ‘A Critical Assessment on Quality Education in Private Universities of Bangladesh’ UITS Journal, ISNN 2226-3128,pp.182-200.
- 4. RvwKqv myjZvbv (2014), ‘weªwUk kvmbvg‡j evsjv‡`k-evg©v evwYwR¨K m¤ú‡K©I GKwU ch©v‡jvPbv’, UITS Journal, Volume 3, Issue 1 (Special Bangla), UITS Research Center, Dhaka February, (received the acceptance letter).
- 5. Zakia Sultana (2017) Napoleon Bonaparte: His Successes and Failures, European Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies [S.I.] (Vienna, Austria), December, Vol.6, ISSN 2414-8385, 189-197.
- 6. RvwKqv myjZvbv&, AvÄygvb Aviv †eMg (2018), gnKzgv wn‡m‡e †dbxi HwZnvwmK, mvgvwRK, mvs¯‹…wZK I A_©‰bwZK Ae¯’vbt weªwUkAvgj, ,‡nwi‡UR cwÎKv, 19Zg msL¨v, ISSN No.2071-8586, pp. 96-120.
Silvia Christina Gomes
Department of Social Work, UITS
- “A Study on Psycho-Social Impact of Domestic Violence against Women in Dhaka City”, UITS Journal, ISSN: 2226-3128, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2016, pp. 110-117, UITS Research Center, Dhaka.
- “Role of Microcredit in Alleviating Urban Poverty: A Study on Dhaka City”, UITS Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, ISSN: 2663-1105, Volume 6, Issue 1, December 2018, pp. 195-206, UITS Research Center, Dhaka.