UITS Hosts the First Ever Meetup of HackTheBox and HackerOne

দ্যা ফিউচার অব ক্যারিয়ার্স: আর্টিফিশিয়াল ইন্টেলিজেন্স, রোবটিক্স, মেশিন লার্নিং, এআর/ভিআর
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UITS Hosts the First Ever Meetup of HackTheBox and HackerOne

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The University of Information Technology and Sciences (UITS) proudly hosted the first-ever HackTheBox and HackerOne meetup on May 18, 2024. The event, held at the Ratnagarbha Tahmina Rahman Multipurpose Hall, featured a vibrant mix of students from UITS and other universities and colleges, as well as corporate personnel.

The workshop was graced by the presence of the Vice Chancellor of the University, Professor Dr. Md. Abu Hashan Bhuiyan; Assistant Professor Mr. Al-Imtiaz, Head of the CSE Department; and CSE lecturers Md Yousuf Ali and Jobair Ahammed, along with our esteemed guests Muhammad Julfikar Hyder, Red Team Researcher at Beetles Cyber Security LTD; Maruf Bin Murtuza, Cybersecurity Specialist at Beetles Cyber Security LTD; Neion Chowdhury, Ambassador at HackTheBox; and Mehedi Hasan Remon, Ambassador at HackerOne.

The event commenced with a recitation of the holy Quran by Jobair Ahammed, followed by a welcome speech from the head of the department, who extended a warm welcome to all participants and guests. Professor Dr. Md. Abu Hashan Bhuiyan then addressed the assembly, highlighting the importance of cybersecurity skills and expressing his desire for more such events at the university. He later thanked the department and the UITS Computer Club for organizing the workshop.

Before the start of the workshop, our honorable guests provided gifts to the Head of the Department of CSE, Mr. Al-Imtiaz.

Key presentations included “Understanding CSRF Strategies and API Exploitation” by Muhammad Julfikar Hyder and “Unveiling CTF, BB, and Offensive Security Strategies” by Maruf Bin Murtuza. Participants enjoyed the engaging sessions as well as the meals and snacks provided.

At the end of the program, our guests asked students some questions about the workshop and provided VIP memberships to HackTheBox for one month.

The workshop concluded with a closing speech by Mr. Al-Imtiaz and the distribution of honorariums to guests. Our guests also provided souvenirs to all attendees.

The Department of Computer Science and Engineering and The University of Information Technology and Sciences remain committed to fostering a nation aware of and capable of protecting its cybersecurity interests.