Mission and Vision of IT


The mission of the program is to achieve national prominence by providing outstanding education and research training to our undergraduate students for their productive careers in industry , academic and government .

We will help our students develop the skills to solve the complex technological problems of modern society and also provide a framework for promoting collaborative and multidisciplinary activities. The department of Information Technology believes that computer science is a rapidly evolving discipline directly or indirectly affecting many other disciplines including science and engineering, arts, business, etc. It is vital that we contribute to computer science as well as to the information science. In a way that our faculty and students can devote themselves to make the maximum advantage of modern information technology and computer science to solve a wide range of complex scientific, technological and social problems. The students should be competent professional through research, active teaching disciplinary and ethical learning including inculcating moral values and societal concerns and those attain nationā€™s premier small research and teaching information technology and computer science departments to tackle advantage.


The vision of the program is to scaffold the next generation of engineers and scientists in a student-centered learning environment to reach digital fluency in information technology .The challenge is to make the students competent ,skilled leader in the wake of the ever-changing and challenging global work environment of the 21st century .