Course Catalog of Business Studies – University of Information Technology & Sciences | UITS

Course Catalog of Business Studies

Course List of Department of Business Studies


General Education Courses:

Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 GED 111 English I 3
2 GED 112 Business Mathematics 3
3 GED 114 Bengali Language & Culture 3
4 GED 121 English II 3
5 GED 122 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh 3
6 GED 212 Bangladesh Studies 3
Total Credit 18


Business Core Courses:

Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 BUS 113 Introduction to Business 3
2 STAT 123 Business Statistics 3
3 ECO 115 Micro Economics 3
4 MGT 124 Fundamentals of Management 3
5 FIN 125 Introduction to Finance 3
6 ACT 211 Basic Accounting 3
7 MKT 213 Principles of Marketing 3
8 BUS 214 Business Communication 3
9 ECO 215 Macro Economics 3
10 MIS 216 Computer Applications in Business 3
11 ACT 221 Financial Accounting 3
12 MGT 222 Organizational Behavior 3
13 BUS 223 Commercial Law 3
14 FIN 224 Managerial Finance 3
15 MIS 225 Management Information Systems 3
16 MKT 226 Marketing Management 3
17 ACT 311 Management Accounting 3
18 FIN 312 Financial Institutions and Markets 3
19 BUS 313 Labor Law 3
20 MGT 314 Human Resource Management 3
21 MKT 321 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) 3
22 MGT 322 Operations Management 3
23 MIS 323 E Commerce 3
24 BUS 324 Entrepreneurship Development and SME Management 3
25 ACT 411   Auditing and Taxation 3
26 BUS 412 Research Methodology 3
27 BUS 413 International Business 3
28 MGT 414 Bank  Management 3
29 MGT421 Strategic Management 3
30 BUS422 Business Ethics and corporate social responsibility 3
Total Credits 90


Major Courses of Finance & Banking:

(Any Six)

Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 FIN 315 Security Analysis and Portfolio Management 3
2 FIN 325 Theory and Practice of Banking 3
3 FIN 415 Corporate Finance 3
4 FIN 423 International Financial Management 3
5 FIN 424 Investment Banking 3
6 FIN 425 Financial Derivatives 3
7 FIN426 Modern Working Capital Management 3
8 FIN427 Bank Financial management 3
9 FIN428 Public Finance 3
10 FIN429 Insurance & Risk Management 3


Major Courses of Accounting& Information Systems:

(Any Six)


Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 ACT 315 Advanced Accounting 3
2 ACT 325 Cost Accounting 3
3 ACT 415 Accounting Information Systems 3
4 ACT 423 Accounting for Government and Non-Profit Organization 3
5 ACT 424 Intermediate Accounting 3
6 ACT 425 Financial Reporting Practices


7 ACT 426


Law and Practice of Taxation 3
8 ACT 427


Auditing 3
9 ACT 428 Financial Statements Analysis 3
10 ACT 429 Accounting  Theory 3


Major Courses of Marketing:

(Any Six)


Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 MKT 315 Consumer Behavior 3
2 MKT 325 Marketing Research 3
3 MKT 415 Advertising & Salesmanship 3
4 MKT423 Brand Management 3
5 MKT424 International Marketing  3
6 MKT425 Service Marketing 3
7 MKT 426 Electronic Marketing  3
8 MKT 427 Industrial Marketing  3
9 MKT 428 Supply Chain Management 3
10 MKT 429 Strategic Marketing  3


Major Courses of Human Resources Management:

(Any Six)


Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 HRM 315 Industrial Relations                                                               3
2 HRM 325 Conflict Management & Negotiation Skill Development 3
3 HRM 415 International Human Resource Management                                                   3
4 HRM 423 Career Management  3
5 HRM 424 Strategic Reward                                                        3
6 HRM 425 Strategic Human Resource Management 3
7 HRM 426 Human Resource Practice in Bangladesh 3
8 HRM 427 Training and Development 3
9 HRM 428 Human Resource Information System 3
10 HRM 429 Human Resource Planning and Practice 3



            Major Courses of Management Information Systems:

(Any Six)


Serial no. Courses Code Courses Title Credits
1 MIS 315 Programming Language for Business 3
2 MIS 325 Data Communication 3
3 MIS 415 Information Technology Investment Management 3
4 MIS 423 Knowledge Management 3
5 MIS 424 System Analysis and Modeling 3
6 MIS 425 Database Systems 3
7 MIS 426 E-Business Strategy, Architecture and Design 3
8 MIS 427 Computer Graphics and Multimedia 3
9 MIS 428 IT Governance and Management 3
10 MIS 429 Web Technology 3


BBA program consists of minimum 123 Credit Hours as per the following Course Structure:



Courses/ Program Number of Courses Credit Hours


Semester-wise Course Distribution


BBA program consists of minimum 123 Credit Hours as per the following Course Structure:

Courses/Programme Number of Courses Credit Hours
GED Courses 5 x 3.0 15
Core Courses 28 x 3.0 84
Major Courses 6 x 3.0 18
Viva Voce 4 x 0.75 3
Project & Thesis Work (Internship) 1 3
Total 42 123



Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
GED 111 English I None 3.00
GED 112 Business Mathematics None 3.00
BUS 113 Introduction to Business None 3.00
GED 114 Bengali Language and Culture None 3.00
ECO 115


Micro Economics None 3.00
Total Credit 15.00
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
GED 121 English II None 3.00
GED 122 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh None 3.00
STAT 123 Business  Statistics None 3.00
MGT 124 Fundamentals of Management None 3.00
FIN 125 Introduction to Finance None 3.00
VOV498 Viva Voce None 0.75
Total Credit 15.75
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
ACT 211 Basic Accounting None 3.00
GED 212 Bangladesh Studies None 3.00
MKT 213 Principles of Marketing None 3.00
BUS 214 Business Communication None 3.00
ECO 215 Macro Economics ECO 115 3.00
MIS 216 Computer Applications in Business None 3.00
Total Credit 18.00
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
ACT 221 Financial Accounting ACT 211 3.00
MGT 222 Organizational Behavior None 3.00
BUS 223 Commercial Law None 3.00
FIN 224 Managerial Finance FIN 125 3.00
MIS 225 Management Information Systems MIS 216 3.00
MKT 226 Marketing Management MKT 213 3.00
VOV498 Viva Voce None 0.75
Total Credit 18.75
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
ACT 311 Management Accounting ACT 211 3.00
FIN 312 Financial Institutions and Markets FIN 125 3.00
BUS 313 Labor Law None 3.00
MGT 314 Human Resource Management MGT 124 3.00


Major 1 3.00
Total Credit 15.00
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
MKT 321 Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) MKT 213 3.00
MGT 322 Operations Management MGT 124 3.00
MIS 323 E-Commerce MIS 225 3.00
BUS 324 Entrepreneurship Development and SME Management None 3.00


Major 2 3.00
VOV498 Viva Voce None 0.75
Total Credit 15.75
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
ACT 411 Auditing and Taxation ACT 211 3.00
BUS 412 Research Methodology STAT 115 3.00
BUS 413 International Business None 3.00
MGT 414 Bank Management None 3.00


Major 3 3.00
Total Credit 15.00
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
MGT421 Strategic Management None 3.00
BUS422 Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility None 3.00


Major 4 3.00


Major 5 3.00


Major 6 3.00
VOV498 Viva Voce None 0.75
Total Credit 15.75
Course Code Course Title Prerequisite Credit
INT499 Internship None 3.00
Total Credit 3.00